Reislog Archief:
3 Months... & about not going home
Geplaatst door: Felix Tijd in Nederland: 07:47 29/06/10 - Tijd in Valparaíso, Chile: 01:47 29/06/10
It´s a miracle.
It´s night, a beautiful night, with the just about not full moon anymore, outside the window.

I am typing on an old laptop, donated to the family by my mom´s good friend, Eduardo, (dad of Fresa!) many years ago. Crushed by a big cerveza it almost died, but only the keyboard got hit seriously.
Powered by a new cordless keyboard and wireless internet the family is a small step more connected to the world now, in the luxury of their own home.

Almost went to bed. But I have a story to write.
Today is a special day, the 28th of June. When I look at my passport, and the latest stamp, it tells me I entered Chile exactly 3 months ago, the 28th of March.
Wow, is it really 3 months already?
Time is flying, as always.
´Tomorrow´ might even be more special.

Because my original flight out of Lima, back to ´you´ guys, was planned to be in a couple of hours...
Even I have a weird sad feeling now, although there is no reason of course, because this continent is way too precious to leave so soon.
I changed my plans a while ago, mainly because I am in love with Valparaíso, and even more so, Quebrada Verde (our neighbourhood), but especially, my family, Fresa, Antonio, Félix, Lucila, Carlos & Carmen.

Living here with them has been as close to a dream as one can get, in real life.
The weather was getting a bit more Autumn-like the past weeks, only to change for the better a week ago, (at the official start of...Winter!). To my surprise it has been Summer everyday, with a lot of sunshine and the sea beautifully blue around us.

Not to forget the clear skies at night, with an amazing amount of stars, and the wonderful full moon out last saturday.
After coming home from a big party, really late, I sat down on ´my rock´, in front of the house, watching the sky, the ocean, listening to the first birds welcoming the day to come. Moments like that are a bit twisted, because they make me feel really happy and sad at the same time.

Happy because I am living in Paradiso err Paradise err Paraíso...Valparaíso.

Sad because I do miss a lot of you. Big time. (I really want to start a list of names here, but)
But I chose to stay, and I definitely do not regret my decision.
I simply have more to accomplish yet, even if it might only be studying a bit more of the countries and the language.

It´s just that. Chile is so wonderful.
Never in my life for example have I hitchhiked so much, even if it´s only 5km´s into town, it´s such a great feeling that people you don´t know can be so helpful with absolutely zero self interest. And it has been so cool to be able to talk with the new people that I meet, (in their own language!) instead of being the ignorant tourist of a few months ago, yes I am talking to me here.

My plan was to go to bed on time. That plan has failed.
But I am glad I got my message out, although not everyone might like what they read. Yes it is a bit of a bummer that I will miss what we call Summer at home, but there will be more of those and you know it.

Time to fly,
with a kiss,